Authors » Selection Criteria

Some papers are better suited for poster presentation, others for oral presentation. Authors may indicate a preference for poster presentation on the abstract submission form and on front page of the abstract; otherwise, all abstracts will be considered for both oral and poster sessions.

The Technical Program Committee will select abstracts according to how well they address the following questions:
  1. What are the significant new accomplishments? State unambiguously whether devices have been fabricated, experimental results obtained, and provide details.
  2. What is new in relation to previous work? Provide references to relevant literature (including publications by the author's group).
  3. What is the goal or motivation of the work?
  4. What is the impact or significance of the results to the MEMS field?
Authors should not submit work that has already been presented at another conference or that has been published in other literature more than one-half year before the abstract submission deadline. In the text and through reference to the literature, authors should clearly delineate how the submitted work differs from other recent work by the same research group, or by other groups. Submission of an abstract for review will be rejected if substantial previously published material is not referenced appropriately.

The IEEE MEMS Conference requires high quality, high impact and novelty at the time of the Conference to maintain the flagship character of the Conference. Submission of an abstract for review and subsequent acceptance is considered by the committee as an agreement that the work has not been placed in the public domain by the author more than one-half year prior to the submission to the MEMS Conference. Publication of the paper or significant portion of the work elsewhere more than one-half year before the abstract submission date (5 March) or without proper reference will yield withdrawal from presentation at the Conference and exclusion from the Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore, on a decision by the Conference Chairs.

Contributed papers will be considered for either oral or poster presentation unless the authors specifically request the poster session.

Reasons Abstracts are not accepted:
  • Was not submitted to the IEEE MEMS 2025 Conference website by deadline to send to the reviewers
  • Did not adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Double-Blind Review process and explained in the abstract template
  • Exceeded word limit of 600
  • Did not have reference number on abstract (this is the only way your abstract will be identified)
  • Didn't reference previous known work or publications as outlined on Double-Blind Information page.
  • Prior presentation in another international conference prior to MEMS 2025
  • Prior publication in a journal or equivalent paper more than one-half year prior to the abstract submission deadline
  • Didn't show application was working
  • Results incomplete and inconclusive and/or no verification
  • Didn't document data, details or measurement or had some relevant info missing
  • Poor images and unclear pictures or no picture of device
  • Unclear concept of device, or what is "new" from your previous work or others
  • Data too generic or not enough device or process characterization
  • Insufficient technical impact
  • Wrong meeting for this topic - better suited for a different meeting
Upon acceptance of the abstract, it should be understood that:
  1. At least one author from the paper is required to register and present the paper at the MEMS 2025 conference.
  2. An extended four-page manuscript will be required for placement in the technical digest in IEEE Xplore platform. Exceptionally, abstracts corresponding to work-already-published less than one-half year before the abstract submission date can keep the two-page abstract and handle precisely the copyright issues that are included in the IEEE Xplore platform.